Monday, June 22, 2009

Welcome to Fuck Your Blog

Guess what. Your blog sucks. No, it really does.

No one cares that your cat needed an emergency trip to the pet clinic because it somehow got infected with herpes. Nobody needs to see out-of-focus pictures of your shitty life. No one wants to read you droning on about how funny and cute and expected your life is. No one except other loser bloggers like yourself, that is.

Hey, if you life was so great you'd be living it, not posting it on the internet.

This isn't a shotgun attack on all bloggers. I've found very legitimate, sharply focused blogs that provide some kind of value to their readers. No, I won't be dogging these sites. I'm looking for yours.

Why would I spend my time trashing other people's blogs? Why? Because fuck them. That's why.